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Multi-Grade Teaching: Presentation Dissemination

According to Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore, Multi-Grade Teaching (MGT) is the strategy of classroom instruction...

Write-up on value education picked up dissemination

Fdocuments [1] has picked up the wtite-up of Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore "VALUES IN EDUCATION: A SKETCH NOTE...

Micropoetry: Know it thro’ micro-poems

MICRO-POEM 1 Micropoetry - Poetic verse Of 140 characters or shorter That's lyrically epigrammic ~*~ MICRO-POEM 2 Micropoetic style - Not...

Some rainy day photography ideas with a smartphone

With a basic camera and a smartphone camera, one can do reasonable photography on a rainy day using an umbrella to cover oneself and the...

My Studies: Blog2
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