Towards credits based secondary education in India
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced changes in the academic framework of school education through credits based...
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced changes in the academic framework of school education through credits based...
Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME) has invited entries for Findel-Castme Awards in...
According to UNSECO, World Art Day (15 April) is a 'celebration to promote the development, diffusion and enjoyment of art' since 'rt...
Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore, is the one of the five Findel-CASTME Award- 2023 recipients, He is the only...
Teaching language through music intelligence right from early childhood education has immense possibilities to develop children's...
According to the CBSE (2013), the school library, in today’s context ought to be a 'Learning Resource Centre' with a dynamic learning...
"Keeping the social pedagogy of the ancient gurukul system intact, the teaching-learning processes are needed to be based cognitive...
“For outcomes based learning and competency based education,  Bloom’s taxonomy based on thinking skills or levels of cognitive functions...
The work of Jaipur based eductor-researcher was cited in the book “A Brain for Innovation: The Neuroscience of Imagination and Abstract...
A case analysis in social sciences and life sciences is a thorough study of a problem, a challenge or an issue by using evidences to...
According to Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore - whose work on gender inclusive STEM education and initiatives have...
Understanding abductive research method: Quote and ABCs Quote on Abductive Research The (abductive) method places a special emphasis on...
"Feminist pedagogy that employs cooperative and collaborative learning methods with centrality of verbal-linguistic intelligence makes...
Academic writing skills: Combination of mastered subject matter, higher order thinking and communication skills Once one becomes a...
The news about Findel-CASTME Award 2018 to life member of IPA, working with Disha – A Centre for Multiple Disabilities was flashed at...
An abstract summarizes briefly one paragraph of 300 words or less, the main aspects of a research paper in a preferred sequence as...
With the validation and recognition of research on big-book usage at the pre-primary level at the national conference on the library and...
Happy Easter Sunday: Spiritual Message of Christian Festival in Non-Poem NON-POEM Contemplate on sufferings-n-sacrifices Work for freedom...
In Vedic or Gurukul Education System, various self-defence skills at physical, mental and spiritual levels (Marshal arts, yoga,...
A gurukul is ancient India originated education system in which students as disciples either near or with the guru - who has a personal...