Make use of mandala art for spiritual development and as a therapy
As an artful spaceless depiction of the cosmos through expanding circular or open square patterns, mandalas are a type of religious and...
As an artful spaceless depiction of the cosmos through expanding circular or open square patterns, mandalas are a type of religious and...
Google celebrates the poetic work of Balamani Amma ((July 19, 1909 – September 29, 2004), known as the grandmother of Malayalam...
Making schools living and learning entities ~Lalit Kishoire Non-poem Make schools Living and learning spirited entities With...
The news story by Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore 'Education is not just for employment, but also for enhancement...
In a workshop related to flipped classroom by Jaipur based educator and researcher Dr Lalit Kishore, which was reported as as a news...
A workshop on dual coding method of classroom communication and creating text-cum-visual rich classroom environment was held in Bhopal....
Noted thinker J Krishnamurti says that limited and petty mind cannot do a thing about its conditioning though it can explore, analyse and...
Brain development through dual code learning with emphasis on visual codes to build vocabulary: Teaching photosynthesis to a dysgraphic...
Seers say that life, happiness, love, liberation, etc., are unconditional and universal. As noted philosopher J Krishnamurti says,...
The work done by Jaipur-based educator and researcher Dr Kishore has been included in the ICSSR Survey of Advances in Research. Kishore...
A value is a combination of worthy thought, feelings and behaviour imbibed by an individual for it own sake. Personal preferred value may...
Gurukula system of education: A sketch note and an ABC poem ~Lalit Kishore ABC of gurukula system of education A: Acknowledgement of...
HAIKU ~Lalit Kishore Most gurus - out there - Sell false reveries, hopes To get flashy rich -=- Fake gurus look nice - Within, have own...
Photographing water surface, which in motion of various kinds, can be fascinating subject for photography. It requires proper camera...
One of the spoken word arts in Indian culture is the speech style of ascetics and sages – slow, measured, calm speaking style of about 80...
According to the noted thinker, philosopher and seer J Krishnamurti, ‘becoming’ is endless time-thought and conflict, while being is...
Alternative education, teaching methods and remedial teaching: Lalit Kishore on internet Some of the work of Dr Kishore on alternative...
Reiki is seen as an alternative medicine or complementary therapy based on the precept of presence 'universal energy healing' or 'life...
Indian thinker and philosopher, Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (9 July 1918 – 22 March 2007) -popularly known as U. G. Krishnamurti -...
"Nobody can push you out of your trap - no guru, no drug, no mantra, nobody, including myself - nobody, especially myself. All that you...