Art integrated learning projects benefit teachers and students both at thinking and feeling levels:
Art integrated learning projects benefit teachers and students both at thinking and feeling levels: Case of Plenum School The...
Art integrated learning projects benefit teachers and students both at thinking and feeling levels: Case of Plenum School The...
“Feminist pedagogy begins with the premise that gender and the social inequality it represents in the wider society are often reproduced...
The experiments and innovations in teaching of physics have been tried in many countries such as Physical Science Study Course (PSSC) in...
The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciFLO) service of Chile has listed the paper of Dr Lalit Inshore “ Girls, women in science...
By Dr Lalit Kishore It has been generally observed that teachers straight away resort to the presentation of abstract symbols which leads...
According to Kishore and Sharma (1983) , the micro-learning based daily episodic learning sheets when trialled and institutionalized can...
Jaipur based educator and researcher, Dr Lalit Kishore, has been conferred membership of the Indian Academy of Science Communication for...
Title: Deepening awareness about climate change and sustainability via academic and aesthetic reuse of discarded plastic containers on a...
By Dr Lalit Kishore Pedagogical crossword puzzles of ‘fit-in-words’ type quickly build the vocabulary of the content taught in the...
A research lesson for grade eight students for the concept of ‘force’ was developed by Dr Lalit Kishore and Sakshi Rathi, physics and...
Being a true teacher: Non-poem To be a true teacher Free yourself from systems! Free yourself from methods! All methods-n-systems...
Freedom manifests when love, learning and life get integrated: Non-poem Strive for self-knowledge Till the power of world and mind ceases...
Creativity manifests in the state of being: Non-poem Creativity manifests When mind is quiet When mind is free from thoughts and feelings...
Freedom from mundane mind is precondition for life-integrated creativity: Non-poem All pursuits - When striven for Without self-knowledge...
Organizing a research lesson for lesson study: Basic features A research lesson is a specifically planned classroom lesson for a session...
Punctuated by pranks, practical jokes, making fun, playing hoaxes and puns, the All Fools' Day is celebrated on the 1st of April each...
Humourous quotes are generally one-liners or a few-line riddles to tickle and make us laugh. It could also be a humorous remark or a...
Here is a reproduced article for dissemination since the portal on which it was originally appeared has been closed. Source: Kishore, L....
COVID-19 pandemic has killed April Fools' Day fun and frolics since 2020 as hardly any jokes, pranks and hoaxes appeared in the...