Basic Vocabulary Building Exercise for a Beginner Action Researcher
Create a word-search puzzle of the words which every action researcher should be well-versed with. Write the words in 20X20 grid and...
Create a word-search puzzle of the words which every action researcher should be well-versed with. Write the words in 20X20 grid and...
Kishore [1], emphasizes an an institution based rigorous and action planned follow-up of a teacher training for its transfer to...
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUZZLE MAKING Use the words given in list at the end to create word search puzzle Words can go across or down. Letters...
The book “Value-oriented education: Foundations and Frontiers: World over-view” got recommended by the Punjabi University, Patiala for...
Aphasia is an acquired neurogenic language disorder or learning disability due to an injury often to the left hemisphere leading to...
In his article "Is competition and talentism ruining children?" earlier published at Meri News portal and disseminated through slideshare...
A one hour intervention was undertaken with fifty odd middle school children of Jaipur based Centre for Communicative English (CCE)...
In the article "Is competition and talentism ruining children?" earlier published in Meri News and disseminated through,...
"The performances of children with special needs (CWSN) at calendar release event of Bhavani Vidyalaya of Jaipur on December 25...
Author: Lalit Kishore Original source: U4U Voice-2014 Reproduced at: during April 2020 – The Month of Mathematics...
"Children with dyscalculia have mathematics learning disability - at times also called number dyslexia- which impairs their ability to...
At times, opinions and perceptions based essays or short documents are required to be created as academic texts. For it, use of proper...
Language development is needed throughout the school years so as be helpful understanding texts and discourses in higher education. For...
One may use a small comb or a tooth brush for reviving and rehabilitating by rubbing the index finger and the thumb of the dominant hand...
For reasonable write-ups in the form of short essays; short notes; concept notes; topic research reports; practice in the use of cohesive...
ABCs of linkers or connectors as tools for effective writing skill A: Apt words relating an idea or sentence of the text with the next B:...
Listening is one of the most important skills that is needed to be honed for being a successful learner and socializing individuals. It...
In academic and technical communication, signal verbs provide context to a sentence to indicate view, agreement, causes, results,...
For listening with comprehension, it has been recommended that students entering English medium higher education must be well versed with...
"In this age of science and technology, it becomes an obligation on the part of teachers right from foundation education to talk about...