Educator-Researcher Kishore’s Work Listed under Gender-Education Relation Topic by British Library
The work of Jaipur based educator and researcher at Disha Foundation in Jaipur, Dr Lalit Kishore [1], on gender-education relation has...
The work of Jaipur based educator and researcher at Disha Foundation in Jaipur, Dr Lalit Kishore [1], on gender-education relation has...
The work of Dr. Lalit Kishore, currently associated with Disha and CULP in Jaipur and[1] at Gurugram, has been cited in the...
Dr Lalit Kishore, who is currently associated with Disha Foundation in Jaipur, had published more than 4000 articles and news stories in...
Children with dysgraphia - specific learning disability due to neurological disorder- find it extremely hard to get the tripod grasp and...
In Japanese schools, chalkboard art is popular among students and teachers which is related to school and academic teaching activities....
A child with severe dysgraphic condition who has failed at tripod writing grasp with writing utensil (Sketch pen) with 5-hour training...
Internet search engine and technology giant, Google marks the Japanese educator and biochemist Michiyo Tsujimura's 133rd birthday with a...
It is quite evident that the quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and quality of life are...
Education therapy deals with needs-assessed based specific intervention for converting cognitive skills into academic skills related to...
A write-up “A SKETCH NOTE ON POSITIVE EDUCATION” of this blogger, Dr Lalit Kishore, currently associated with Disha Foundation in Jaipur,...
Jaipur based educator and researcher at Disha Foundation has been stressing the need for stem education and advocating the need for...
Developed by Joseph Pilates in early 20th Century, Pilates are physical exercise of low-impact flexibility, core muscular strength...
Today, it is National Engineers Day (September 15, 2021) - that marks Bharat Ratna M Visvesvaraya’s 160th birthday - who was born in...
Child art is a term created by Franz Cižek to cover 'the drawings, paintings, or other artistic works' created by children that...
In an action research on a dysgraphic child of 6-years, it was found the child could get a feel of the the structure, movement skill,...
Dr Lalit Kishore, researcher and educator associated with Disha Foundation [1] of Jaipur - who had been promoting visual literacy, visual...
Dr Lalit Kishore [1], who had been working with Disha Foundation [2] in Jaipur for the last four years (since 2016) on contract basis,...
कक्षा-कक्ष में हिंदी दिवस मनाने का नया ढंग हिंदी दिवस (सितम्बर १४) के अवसर पर द्विभाषीय अधिगम पर एक पाठ-अध्ययन (lesson study) किया। ...
For children with learning disabilities, the vocabulary of basic Hindi is needed to developed through gestures and signing ilinked with...