Maharashtra's 'Gudi Padwa' festival: New Year Day for prosperity through victory over vices
This year Gudi Padwa will be celebrated on April 2. Here, I reproduce my article [1] from merinews portal which has been discontinued In...
This year Gudi Padwa will be celebrated on April 2. Here, I reproduce my article [1] from merinews portal which has been discontinued In...
In nineteen sixties, John Caldwell Holt published a book entitled ‘How Children Fail’ which criticized traditional schools that believed...
ABC of gurukula system of education A: Acknowledgement of return for education as deep reverence for the guru and willingly giving...
A sketch note was prepared on the basis of group discussion at Viva Education in Delhi on December 4, 2014 coordinated by me in which...
Supported by UNESCO, the World Theatre Day (WTD) has been celebrated by ITI Centres and their associates with active participation of...
With spread of digital world, technology mediated fast life and social media popularity, the micro-poetry genre of verses such as...
The scribe and citizen journalist Dr. Lalit Kishore at Merinews in his article of 20 March, 2018 "International Day of Happiness: Are...
Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007 as a symbolic lights-out event for one hour organised by WWF which has now become popular across the...
When finger puppets are made and used with the help of children, besides learning of language and cognitive development, such puppets...
“The poems and songs of pre-school children should be created by the teachers and educators themselves to be related to the context and...
It has been found that for teaching children of grades one and two combining musical and visual intelligences is most effective since not...
An illustrative instructional sheet was prepared for picture reading and illustration instructional sheet for the kids in an inclusive...
Every year on 21 March, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) coordinated World Poetry Day is...
The UN proclaimed World Water Day is held on 22 March every year since 1993 to conserve water and make access to safe drinking water to...
Across the globe, the World Puppetry Day (March 21) is being observed since 2003 for which the idea was mooted by Iranian puppet theater...
~Lalit Kishore Some years ago, ahead of Nowruz, my article article was published in, which has closed down; however, the...
Proclaimed by the United Nations (UN), the International Day of Nowruz, is celebrated on March 21 to begin the Persian New Year and...
NON-POEM ON NOWRUZ (MARCH 21) Deem festivals/ Ancient intangible heritage/ Imbued with knowledge-n-wisdom/ Transmitted from generation-...
Happy Navroz or Nowruz Day: Acrostic on Navroz The International Nowruz Day is being celebrated on March 21. Here is an acrostic on...
The Persian New Year or Nowruz (21 March) - also known as Nauryz, Navruz, Nawrouz, Nevruz, Nooruz, Novruz or Nowrouz - is the celebration...