Whole class activity is good for introducing and reviewing a topic only: UNICEF document
Educators have found that the whole class activity is particularly useful for starting a new topic and for reviewing and sharing of...
Educators have found that the whole class activity is particularly useful for starting a new topic and for reviewing and sharing of...
In science subjects, not only one must have proper language pitching through vocabulary, terminology, glossary and syntax, one must also...
A simple way to detoxify body to heal and rejuvenate it ~Lalit Kishore Do the following five things to detoxify your body. First is to...
In academic subjects, there could be two kinds of rapping: one is scripted recitation rich rapping with overriding subject matter, while...
Rap rendering of modified physics content seems workable since it is the rhythmic spoken delivery of events and concepts with ample...
An action research was undertaken with stick figure and line-drawing based visuals as precursors to drawing diagrams on the topic of...
In his abstract "Interfacing Spirituality and Pedagogy with Elements of Positive Psychology" that was accepted for a conference, Jaipur...
Senior School science teachers must teach for enhancing own and students' verbal intelligence By Lalit Kishore To be scientifically...
For the last two years, World Heritage Day was observed on social media and through virtual tours due to coronavirus lockdowns and...
Transaction of micro-learning sheet on physics for high school students An episodic learning sheet was prepared on “Defining Speed and...
Jaipur based educator-researcher Dr. Lalit Kishore in his paper on micro-learning at National Conference in 2019 on “Education of...
School labs are meant not only to perform science experiments which are procedure-bound but they are also required to teach scientific...
Since mobiles and other electronic devices with built-in good digital camera such as iPhones, tablets, iPads, etc. have become readily...
“It has been proved through studies that conventional nursery rhymes, through popular, are cognitively useless for kids as they are...
The blogger, who is an educator-researcher, has tried pattern poetry for cognitive gains in learning of physics along with enhancing the...
Work of Jaipur based educator-researcher Dr. Lalit Kishore found on 125 links of internet in 2008 The reported internet search in the...
Art integrated learning projects benefit teachers and students both at thinking and feeling levels: Case of Plenum School The...
“Feminist pedagogy begins with the premise that gender and the social inequality it represents in the wider society are often reproduced...
The experiments and innovations in teaching of physics have been tried in many countries such as Physical Science Study Course (PSSC) in...
The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciFLO) service of Chile has listed the paper of Dr Lalit Inshore “ Girls, women in science...