Vesak Day 2022: Revisiting contribution and message in haiku
Vesak Day 2022: Revisiting contribution and message in haiku ~Lalit Kishore My article published in was picked up by the...
Vesak Day 2022: Revisiting contribution and message in haiku ~Lalit Kishore My article published in was picked up by the...
"Padding strategy in poems leads to effective transition from home language to school language Hindi to English in Indian rural school,"...
Established by the UN, the International Day of Families (May 15, 2022) is meant to 'provide opportunity to promote awareness of issues...
Work of Jaipur based educator & researcher Kishore cited in the sixth science education survey of NCERT The sixth survey of science...
My contribution in the form of an article "Make education key to happy living and learning" published in was recognized by a...
First step towards teaching a Child with Visual Impairment (CVI) is to record his or her detailed past history by interviewing the...
NON-POEM ON TRUE INDEPENDENCE You gain independence When you undo Your social conditioning ~*~ You gain independence When you rise...
Note: The non-poem be seen as the book review of 'School is Dead' and implications of technology consumption by schools KEEP SCHOOLS...
Deschooling precept of Ivan Illich: A non-poem Institutionalized education Private education Corporatized education Are all out To...
A non-poem on unschooling Unschool society! Deschool communities!! Informalize education!!! ~*~ Let all learn freely With widest choices...
The abstract of the paper "Systematizing Small School Classroom Instruction in Physics through Micro-Learning Strategy: A Pedagogical...
On being the change: non-poem Be a learner All the time – Now-n-ever Be a humble learner Be a selfless pro-active learner For the ‘change...
Here is a non-poem to illustrate what happens when competition and ambition / talentism are taken as unchallenged assumptions in...
Danger School is a cartoon book on the ways by which schools are being privatized and corporaterized to turn education into a commodity...
Mother’s Day is being observed on May 8 (being the first Sunday of the month) amidst the COVID dread and many of us be missing our...
Laughter and Language Acquisition by Pre-School Children: Making Use of Tickle Rhymes Lalit Kishore Abstract For the pre-school children...
"Quality of education solely depends on the quality of teacher educators who are required to the harbinger of transformation and examples...
The world laughter day is observed on May 5 to create awareness about the benefits of laughter in daily life. One of the ways of...
Each year the World Laughter Day (WLD) is observed on May 5 to raise the awareness about the importance of laughter and humour in life....
A research lesson for grade eight students on the concept of ‘force’ was developed by the physics instructor in consultation with the...